Relational Intelligence is

the New Bottom Line.

how I can help

Inspiring lasting change and fostering a culture of continuous growth.

Embedded Coaching

Every organization needs an 'Alma Coach' who becomes embedded and adapts to the company's needs over time. As a trusted partner to both the people and the business, they can increase engagement, retention, and leadership capacity at all levels of the organization. By tailoring learning and onboarding programs that integrate customs and culture, they empower leaders to embody these principles throughout their lifecycle as companies scale.

With clearly defined guidelines around confidentiality, this model can significantly reduce the time managers and HR spend resolving complex people issues.

I am passionate about empowering organizations and coaches to be successful in adopting this model. For businesses, I provide HR consulting, search, and placement of the ideal 'fit' for your culture and industry. For coaches entering this role, I invite you to Alma Academy!

Masterful Facilitation & Teambuilding

In a single session, teams can transition from:

  • Isolation to Connection and Inspiration

  • Complacency to Alignment and Accountability

  • Conflict to Compassion

  • Resignation to Resilience

  • Stress to Levity and Fun

It’s amazing what can shift when people have the space and opportunity to reveal their true experience: what they see, think, feel and need to feel more aligned, connected and inspired in their roles. Investing in a facilitator will help you ‘take off the masks’ and get to know the humans behind the narrative and assumptions.

On the other side of uncomfortable conversations, trust is built. Resentments are cleared. Stories are re-written and anything becomes possible.

Training & Workshops

Taking the time to understand your culture, team dynamics, and objectives, we’ll collaboratively craft impactful and unforgettable experiences. These interactive sessions are tailored for leadership teams and customer-facing employees, aiming to instill company values and empower participants to grasp 'How we work' as an organization.

Signature Sessions

Introducing ‘Authentic Relating’ & Executive Presence Participants will leave feeling more connected and equipped to foster solid and transparent relationships with their peers and direct reports. 


Compassionate Service Training

Empowering customer-facing employees to navigate challenging interactions through conscious communication, professionalism, and resilience. Participants will engage in open dialogue, sharing personal experiences with cross-functional partners to foster deeper understanding and compassion.

Instituting accessible frameworks that can be implemented across the organization to foster a feedback-driven culture. This session can be seamlessly integrated with performance evaluations and key performance indicators (KPIs) to illustrate the evolving trends across various levels.

The Art of Feedback

3x Reset

A holistic approach to navigating through transitions such as a reduction in force, organizational restructuring, or global crises. Through the three pillars of Reconnect, Recommit, and Re-energize, individuals and teams can effectively adapt, regain focus, and revitalize their efforts to thrive in the face of adversity. 

What Other Leaders Had To Say

Conscious Leadership

As face-to-face interactions decline due to increased reliance on AI, cultivating relationships capable of withstanding adversity—such as downsizing, internal conflicts, burnout, global and organizational upheaval—becomes more challenging than ever.

For the GenX and Millennial cohorts shaping the future, sustained engagement hinges on leaders demonstrating authentic, transparent, and conscious leadership.

In today's work landscape, traditional 'Soft Skills' training falls short. Relational Intelligence, the capacity to comprehend, manage, and navigate interpersonal relationships effectively, is now more essential than ever. It plays a pivotal role in the workplace, influencing communication, teamwork, leadership, and overall job performance.

Unsure of where to begin?

Meet Alita…

After a decade in global aid and another one as an Embedded Coach at fast-growth startups, I've worked alongside and coached some of the most inspiring leaders on the planet. 

I am in endless awe of the human experience - how interconnected, resilient and impactful we are when we’re committed to our personal and collective evolution. 

I am here to introduce you to what’s possible when you become curious, ready and committed to leading and living in your fullest potential.